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goof2 01-10-2011 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 440990)
Rational political groups don't own the acts of irrational people so, whether he 'belongs' to either Dems or Reps, his evil is his own.

You and I agree on this but it sure seems most of the media does not. There is zero evidence so far that he was in any way motivated by the right and similar rhetoric has come from the left. The majority of the media has decided, despite the above, that it is "fair" to discuss what hypothetical responsibility the political right should bear. It appears to me they have decided to play lip service to the facts as we currently know them while doing what they can to blame the right.

Maybe it is happening and I haven't come across it, but the political side of this discussion hasn't suggested that this guy did this because he is a lefty and was motivated by the left. What I have seen is "one side" saying he was a righty motivated by the right while the "other side" says he wasn't a righty, he may even have been a lefty (without saying that motivated him to do this), but his politics had nothing to do with this. I see that as a large distinction between the two sides of the discussion.


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 440990)
As to how people are reacting to this, read the comments that are attached to this Youtube vid. I'm thinking that the gene pool could use a hefty dose of bleach.

Are you telling me people post moronic things on the internet? My worldview has been shattered.

Papa_Complex 01-10-2011 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by goof2 (Post 441010)
You and I agree on this but it sure seems most of the media does not. There is zero evidence so far that he was in any way motivated by the right and similar rhetoric has come from the left. The majority of the media has decided, despite the above, that it is "fair" to discuss what hypothetical responsibility the political right should bear. It appears to me they have decided to play lip service to the facts as we currently know them while doing what they can to blame the right.

Maybe it is happening and I haven't come across it, but the political side of this discussion hasn't suggested that this guy did this because he is a lefty and was motivated by the left. What I have seen is "one side" saying he was a righty motivated by the right while the "other side" says he wasn't a righty, he may even have been a lefty (without saying that motivated him to do this), but his politics had nothing to do with this. I see that as a large distinction between the two sides of the discussion.

The current political climate tends to fuel this, or be fuelled by it (chicken and the egg scenario). The guy attacked a Democrat, so the backlash is toward Republicans. The way that I see it, it's similar to people who blame religion for people who shoot abortion doctors, or blow up troops with IEDs. A marginal personality is a marginal personality. If politics didn't 'make' him kill someone then it would have been demonic rock music, TV, or violent video games.

Quite simply put, someone with his head screwed on straight doesn't do shit like that.


Are you telling me people post moronic things on the internet? My worldview has been shattered.
Pretty much :lol:

The thing is that sort of comment doesn't exactly douse the political fires, now does it? Making that sort of comment, even 'just' on the internet, isn't only stupid, it's FUCKING stupid.

goof2 01-10-2011 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 441053)
The current political climate tends to fuel this, or be fuelled by it (chicken and the egg scenario). The guy attacked a Democrat, so the backlash is toward Republicans. The way that I see it, it's similar to people who blame religion for people who shoot abortion doctors, or blow up troops with IEDs. A marginal personality is a marginal personality. If politics didn't 'make' him kill someone then it would have been demonic rock music, TV, or violent video games.

Quite simply put, someone with his head screwed on straight doesn't do shit like that.

I'd like to think that you are right but I just don't. Most of the media seems to do an OK job when reporting facts, but with this story there really aren't many facts to report. The story is too big for the media to deal with other stories until more facts come in though. Since they still have to fill airtime/pages but they have no "news" to fill it with they resort to editorializing which is where they really fall down.

This is nothing but pure speculation on my part, but if this had been a Republican I believe the backlash would still be against Republicans. My theory is we would be hearing about how nobody deserves this and it isn't an excuse, but violence begets violence and the violent imagery from the right created an atmosphere where this kind of attack could happen. It would be nice if my theory was way off base and reporters avoided trying to place blame with absolutely nothing to back it up, but I really don't think that would happen and it certainly hasn't happened in this case.


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 441053)
Pretty much :lol:

The thing is that sort of comment doesn't exactly douse the political fires, now does it? Making that sort of comment, even 'just' on the internet, isn't only stupid, it's FUCKING stupid.

I don't think those comments really inflame the political fires either though. To paraphrase what you said above, someone with their head screwed on straight isn't going to be affected by that kind of garbage to begin with. People with any sense recognize that kind of crap as exactly that, crap.

shmike 01-10-2011 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 440990)
As to how people are reacting to this, read the comments that are attached to this Youtube vid. I'm thinking that the gene pool could use a hefty dose of bleach.

Paraphrase a few of the comments you recall.

The comment section has been disabled for the video.

goof2 01-10-2011 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by shmike (Post 441075)
Paraphrase a few of the comments you recall.

The comment section has been disabled for the video.

"The Joos are the devil!"

Papa_Complex 01-10-2011 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by goof2 (Post 441078)
"The Joos are the devil!"

That's definitely one of the themes; assholes saying that she's a Jew and deserves to die. Then there were the comments about how some hoped that the "socialist bitch would just die." After reading them, I was rather sick. When I said "chlorine for the gene pool", I really meant hydrochloric acid.

If it was just one comment, then I would just shrug it off. It was dozens, most by different user accounts (some repeats).

Archren 01-10-2011 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 440904)
Several people who knew Loughner at community college said he did not seem especially political, but was socially awkward. He laughed at the wrong things, made inappropriate comments. Most students sat away from him in class.

"He made a lot of the people really uncomfortable, especially the girls in the class," said Steven Cates, who attended an advanced poetry writing class with Loughner at Pima Community College last spring. Though he struck up a superficial friendship with Loughner, he said a group of other students went to the teacher to complain about Loughner at one point.

Another poetry student, Don Coorough, said Loughner read a "kind of a bland" poem about going to the gym in wild "poetry slam" style — "grabbing his crotch and jumping around the room."

When other students read their poems, meanwhile, Coorough said Loughner "would laugh at things that you wouldn't laugh at." After one woman read a poem about abortion, "he was turning all shades of red and laughing," and said, "Wow, she's just like a terrorist, she killed a baby," Coorough said.

"He appeared to be to me an emotional cripple or an emotional child," Coorough said. "He lacked compassion, he lacked understanding and he lacked an ability to connect."

Cates said Loughner "didn't have the social intelligence, but he definitely had the academic intelligence."

"He was very into the knowledge aspect of school. He was really into his philosophy classes and he was really into logic and English. And he would get frustrated by the dumbed-down words people used in class," Cates said.

Am I the only one who thinks this kid might be autistic/aspergers at least a little bit?

CasterTroy 01-10-2011 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Archren (Post 441125)
Am I the only one who thinks this kid might be autistic/aspergers at least a little bit?

Assburger w/cheese! fo sho!

VERY sad!:td:

Avatard 01-10-2011 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Archren (Post 441125)
Am I the only one who thinks this kid might be autistic/aspergers at least a little bit?

No, I agree.

udman 01-10-2011 05:28 PM

He looks just like Avatards avatar.

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