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Kaneman 12-05-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 302108)
People buy in an area with a HOA because of the quality of life and property values. After that they complain that the same rules that help to prop up those property values won't let them do something that they want to. There's a lack of common sense at work here. That one thing is certain.

Around here people buy in an HOA because they don't have much of a choice. Every new neighborhood built here has an HOA. It's always the same, they start out with normal common sense rules like don't park a rusted boat in your front yard and gradually progress to complete idiocy with new rules like "vehicles can not display any form of business" so if you work for say AT&T you can not drive your work vehicle home when you're on call.

That's just one small example. This story is another.

I wonder how many HOA debates we've had here?

sherri_chickie 12-05-2009 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Apoc (Post 301604)
Hard to say you even own the inside, cuz you can pay your condo cash, and if you dont pay your condo fee's, they can still kick you the fuck out, from what I understand..

I've never seen the benefit of a condo apart from yard work and snow removal :shrug: and both of those things are cheaper than condo fee's anyway.

And they did a shitty job of snow removal here today, man am I pissed! Posted pics on facebook, it's ridiculous!

HOA's sometimes just get off on their own power, weak people that make themselves feel better than you by making up archane rules and being bullies.

He's a HERO... he should be treated as such!

Kaneman 12-08-2009 10:27 PM

Virginia Veteran Wins Battle to Keep His Flagpole in Yard
Tuesday , December 08, 2009


A 90-year-old Medal of Honor recipient can keep his 21-foot flagpole in his front yard after a homeowner's association dropped its request to remove it, a spokesman for Democratic Virginia Sen. Mark Warner said Tuesday.

The Sussex Square homeowners' association likewise has agreed to drop threats to take legal action against retired Army Col. Van T. Barfoot, Warner spokesman Kevin Hall said.

The association had threatened to take Barfoot to court if he failed to remove the pole from his suburban Richmond home by Friday. It had said the pole violated the neighborhood's aesthetic guidelines.

Neither Barfoot's daughter, Margaret Nicholls, nor homeowners' president Glenn Wilson immediately returned telephone messages.

Dropping the issue effectively ends a request that White House press secretary Robert Gibbs on Monday called "silly."

Warner and Sen. Jim Webb, both Virginia Democrats, had rallied behind Barfoot, a World War II veteran.

In a letter last week, Webb urged the association to "consider the exceptional nature of Col. Barfoot's service when considering his pride and determination in honoring our flag."

Barfoot's fight also has lit up veterans bulletin boards and blog sites supporting him.

Barfoot won the Medal of Honor for actions while his platoon was under German assault near Carano, Italy, in May 1944. He was credited with standing up to three German tanks with a bazooka and stopping their advance.

He also won the Purple Heart and other decorations, and served in Korea and Vietnam before retiring from the service in 1974.

SLIDESHOW: Medal of Honor Recipient Col. Van Barfoot

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Homeslice 12-09-2009 12:17 AM

How could the HOA be so stupid. Did they not think word of this would spread?

Their director is probably a 64-year old fat woman owning 10 cats and driving an Avalon (Camry) or Lexus ES (still a Camry).

Tmall 12-09-2009 05:48 AM

Told ya so.

karl_1052 12-09-2009 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303480)
Told ya so.

Did it for publicity, not because they were wrong.

azoomm 12-09-2009 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 303513)
Did it for publicity, not because they were wrong.

I agree.

I also agree that it should not have ever come to this. It seems as though the HOA didn't want to THINK in their process - they applied their rules with black and white lines.

Destitute 12-09-2009 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 303518)
I also agree that it should not have ever come to this. It seems as though the HOA didn't want to THINK in their process - they applied their rules with black and white lines.

And now they've set a clear precedent that will make it very difficult to stop other residents from putting up a flag pole. Since this is Virginia, I imagine the place will look like a NASCAR track infield in no time. There goes the neighborhood.

goof2 12-09-2009 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 303518)
I agree.

I also agree that it should not have ever come to this. It seems as though the HOA didn't want to THINK in their process - they applied their rules with black and white lines.

Sometimes they do this for good reason. Now if someone else in this community wants to fly a different flag (Confederate, Mexican, Anarchist) all they have to do is follow what this guy did. If the community tries to fight it they will enjoy a nice discrimination lawsuit.


Originally Posted by Destitute (Post 303548)
And now they've set a clear precedent that will make it very difficult to stop other residents from putting up a flag pole. Since this is Virginia, I imagine the place will look like a NASCAR track infield in no time. There goes the neighborhood.

You beat me to it.

Homeslice 12-09-2009 09:34 AM

How about simply taking your chances when you buy a home. Find out as much as you can about your potential neighbors before you move there. And if someone in your hood does something you don't like, then get together with other neighbors and go talk to that person. If all else fails, then suck it up or move. HOA's are passive-avoidance crap, run by power-trippers.

shmike 12-09-2009 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 303513)
Did it for publicity, not because they were wrong.


Originally Posted by Destitute (Post 303548)
And now they've set a clear precedent that will make it very difficult to stop other residents from putting up a flag pole. Since this is Virginia, I imagine the place will look like a NASCAR track infield in no time. There goes the neighborhood.


Originally Posted by goof2 (Post 303554)
Sometimes they do this for good reason. Now if someone else in this community wants to fly a different flag (Confederate, Mexican, Anarchist) all they have to do is follow what this guy did. If the community tries to fight it they will enjoy a nice discrimination lawsuit.


z06boy 12-09-2009 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 303513)
Did it for publicity, not because they were wrong.

Correct and I'm glad they changed their stance.

z06boy 12-09-2009 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by goof2 (Post 303554)
Sometimes they do this for good reason. Now if someone else in this community wants to fly a different flag (Confederate, Mexican, Anarchist) all they have to do is follow what this guy did. If the community tries to fight it they will enjoy a nice discrimination lawsuit.

...and being Richmond, Va. ...the capitol of the Confederacy I can see that happening easily.

Tmall 12-09-2009 10:04 AM

Still told ya so.

If they were "right" they wouldn't have given in..

shmike 12-09-2009 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303598)
Still told ya so.

If they were "right" they wouldn't have given in..


Just like the parent in the mall that gives in to their kid to shut him up?

Tmall 12-09-2009 10:08 AM

Sure, if the parents really meant it, they wouldn't give in.

Call it what you want, he won...

z06boy 12-09-2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303598)
Still told ya so.

If they were "right" they wouldn't have given in..

Legally they were right and well within their rights.

They didn't have to give in to anything but I'm still glad they did.

Tmall 12-09-2009 10:24 AM

Yup. He was right. Thanks for agreeing.

Anybody else wanna hear " I told ya so"? I have a lot of them left. I doubt ill run out.

Papa_Complex 12-09-2009 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303598)
Still told ya so.

If they were "right" they wouldn't have given in..

They were right. People cave all the time when they're right, when public OPINION is against them.

shmike 12-09-2009 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 303634)
They were right. People cave all the time when they're right, when public OPINION is against them.

Apparently, public opinion trumps all. :idk:

Kaneman 12-09-2009 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303628)
Yup. He was right. Thanks for agreeing.

Anybody else wanna hear " I told ya so"? I have a lot of them left. I doubt ill run out.

Throw one out there for me buddy.

z06boy 12-09-2009 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303628)
Yup. He was right. Thanks for agreeing.

Anybody else wanna hear " I told ya so"? I have a lot of them left. I doubt ill run out.

Ignorance is bliss and yes I'm talking about you at the moment.

Tmall 12-09-2009 10:44 AM

:lol: oh no... Somebody doesn't like me on the internet.

He still won. Regardless of why.if he was wrong, he would have lost.

Ignorance may be bliss, but making shitty excuses for not being able to say, "my bad, I was wrong.." is pathetic.

shmike 12-09-2009 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303651)
Ignorance may be bliss, but making shitty excuses for not being able to say, "my bad, I was wrong.." is pathetic.

I agree and therefore accept your apology.

z06boy 12-09-2009 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303651)
:lol: oh no... Somebody doesn't like me on the internet.

He still won. Regardless of why.if he was wrong, he would have lost.

Ignorance may be bliss, but making shitty excuses for not being able to say, "my bad, I was wrong.." is pathetic.

:lol: Has nothing to do with liking or not liking you at's the internet and I don't even know you.

I said legally they were not wrong and well within their rights to keep him from keeping the pole and that is a fact and if you think otherwise you are being ignorant in this case..tough $hit. :idk:

I also said I'm glad they gave in but again LEGALLY they were not wrong.

Tmall 12-09-2009 10:55 AM

Says you.. Where does it say in his hoa contract that he can't have a flag pole?

Have you seen the documentation? If not you're ignorantly speculating.

They could have easily tried to apply a rule that had nothing to do with flagpoles to try and enforce their rules on him and been completely off base, but again.. You don't know that and neither do I.

I've just been smart enough to agree with the vet and not speculate too much into it.

Your opinion is your opinion, and until you actually see the contract that he signed, that's all it is. Another opinion.


shmike 12-09-2009 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303660)
Says you.. Where does it say in his hoa contract that he can't have a flag pole?

Have you seen the documentation? If not you're ignorantly speculating.

They could have easily tried to apply a rule that had nothing to do with flagpoles to try and enforce their rules on him and been completely off base, but again.. You don't know that and neither do I.

I've just been smart enough to agree with the vet and not speculate too much into it.

Your opinion is your opinion, and until you actually see the contract that he signed, that's all it is. Another opinion.


Do you really want someone to break it down for you or are you just looking to run around saying "I'm right you're wrong, nah nah nah na na naaa!"?

Tmall 12-09-2009 11:07 AM

You don't need to break anything down. And I don't need you to explain anything. I understand the situation and the outcome is in line with what I've said.

I don't care if you agree with what I'm saying or how I'm saying it. I also don't care if you like my attitude about it.

If you're the type to throw a ww2 vet under the bus because of an hoa, fuck you and your opinion. You're both equally worthless in my eyes.

But again, being "right" on the net is the most important thing in the world. Even more important than a man who fought for your rights being allowed to do something that has been customary in his life for about 80 years. As long as it panders to the lowest common denominator, you all are happy. Unless it effects you, right?

The rules are awesome when somebody else is getting fucked over, but when its you its bullshit? Fuck that noise.

shmike 12-09-2009 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303671)
You don't need to break anything down. And I don't need you to explain anything. I understand the situation and the outcome is in line with what I've said.

I don't care if you agree with what I'm saying or how I'm saying it. I also don't care if you like my attitude about it.

If you're the type to throw a ww2 vet under the bus because of an hoa, fuck you and your opinion. You're both equally worthless in my eyes.

But again, being "right" on the net is the most important thing in the world. Even more important than a man who fought for your rights being allowed to do something that has been customary in his life for about 80 years. As long as it panders to the lowest common denominator, you all are happy. Unless it effects you, right?

The rules are awesome when somebody else is getting fucked over, but when its you its bullshit? Fuck that noise.

Seems like you are getting emotional about the subject at hand.

Totally understandable.

Fortunately, most (if not all) of your assumptions are incorrect.

There was a comment made earlier about ignorance...

Tmall 12-09-2009 11:14 AM

And it still stands that you both are equally ignorant of the situation.

Calling somebody "ignorant" doesn't make you any less ignorant.

Answer one question mike, have you seen the contract he signed?

z06boy 12-09-2009 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by tmall (Post 303671)
if you're the type to throw a ww2 vet under the bus because of an hoa, fuck you and your opinion. You're both equally worthless in my eyes.

Look dumb$hit I said before that I wish that they would change their mind and let this guy have his flag pole. The issue wasn't over the flag it's the fvcking pole. He could have flown the flag all along.

I am a veteran myself and my father is a WWII veteran and I also said I'm glad that they indeed did give in but the fact remains that legally the HOA was not in the wrong.

shmike 12-09-2009 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303676)
And it still stands that you both are equally ignorant of the situation.

Calling somebody "ignorant" doesn't make you any less ignorant.

Answer one question mike, have you seen the contract he signed?

I'm assuming you are speaking to me (not mike, btw).

Your question is loaded and my answer may or may not fulfill your preconceived notions.

I offered to break down the situation as well as my understanding of it and how I arrived at that understanding.

You declined.

Tmall 12-09-2009 11:20 AM

Have you or have you not seen the contract he signed?

When you say no, I will then point out that everything that you've said has been nothing but speculation.

Therefore, you are as equally ignorant as anybody else here to the situation.

Is this wrong? Is this ignorant?

z06boy 12-09-2009 11:58 AM

Ok I didn't really want to bring this up because well I just didn't BUT I will.

I HAVE seen a copy of the neighborhood covenants from where this gentleman lives. Before you with your Johnnie Cochran approach ask :lol:...NO I didn't see the actual copy that he signed but was told that every property owner in the neighborhood signs the exact same documents.

It does not mention flagpoles in particular BUT the HOA like most has an Architectural Committee that has to approve any changes/construction that you do to your property that can be seen from the street or from a neighbor's house.

He did not get approval for this and they have the legal right to not allow it if they so desire. :idk:

I personally wished (saying this for the umpteenth time) that they would just allow the old guy to have his pole and now they have.

Ok why have I seen these documents ? Here is the part I didn't really care to post.

My in-laws also live in Richmond, Va where this is taking place and have a redneck neighbor that loves to fly his Conferate Flag.

Well guess what ? He is ready to do battle with the HOA in his subdivision because some of his neighbors complained about his flag and the HOA sent a letter to him and asked him not to fly it. They didn't demand that he takes it down and I don't even think they can but he's gearing up and has been paying attention to this other issue since it's local and also in the national news.

That's all I got.


Papa_Complex 12-09-2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by z06boy (Post 303700)
Well guess what ? He is ready to do battle with the HOA in his subdivision because some of his neighbors complained about his flag and the HOA sent a letter to him and asked him not to fly it. They didn't demand that he takes it down and I don't even think they can but he's gearing up and has been paying attention to this other issue since it's local and also in the national news.

That's all I got.


And now they likely can't. Door open; walk through.

goof2 12-09-2009 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 303708)
And now they likely can't. Door open; walk through.

Only if they are in the same neighborhood. I saw they were in the same town, but not the same neighborhood. If the case had gone to court it would be different, but as it stands this HOA has only set precedent against itself.

karl_1052 12-09-2009 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 303681)
Have you or have you not seen the contract he signed?

When you say no, I will then point out that everything that you've said has been nothing but speculation.

Therefore, you are as equally ignorant as anybody else here to the situation.

Is this wrong? Is this ignorant?

Have you seen the contract he signed?

When you say no, I will then point out that everything you've said has been nothing but speculation.

It is your opinion.:skep:

Homeslice 12-09-2009 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 303708)
And now they likely can't. Door open; walk through.

Sure they can. Make it clear in the rules that AMERICAN flags are allowed......Not junk like Confederate flags, school flags, etc.

Tmall 12-09-2009 12:19 PM

Don't believe you z06. I only believe facts and things you can prove.

I can say I was there when he signed his contract and made a verbal agreement to allow for the flagpole. It would hold equal weight to you suddenly telling us that you saw the contract. ... 7 pages in. Instead of when it happened.

Tmall 12-09-2009 12:22 PM

Karl, do you have a hard on for me lately?

I never once said I knew everything. I did say, the outcome is in line with my views.

So, told ya so....

z06boy 12-09-2009 12:27 PM

7 pages in ? We didn't start our back and forth BS until TODAY and I stated that I didn't even want to bring the FIL crap up. You called me out on it so I posted up what I KNEW. :idk:

Are you high or are you snowed in and bored and just love to stir $hit up ? :?: on thru need to discuss this further with you. :dthumb:

goof2 12-09-2009 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 303713)
Sure they can. Make it clear in the rules that AMERICAN flags are allowed......Not junk like Confederate flags, school flags, etc.

And that would be discrimination.

Homeslice 12-09-2009 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by goof2 (Post 303724)
And that would be discrimination.

Could be, but only the most diehard would bother to complain.

goof2 12-09-2009 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 303731)
Could be, but only the most diehard would bother to complain.

You mean like the diehard who tries to put up a confederate flag and is denied? Also, complaints don't mean shit, lawsuits on the other hand...

Papa_Complex 12-09-2009 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 303713)
Sure they can. Make it clear in the rules that AMERICAN flags are allowed......Not junk like Confederate flags, school flags, etc.

Except that the issue was over the flag POLE, not the flag.

Homeslice 12-09-2009 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by goof2 (Post 303734)
You mean like the diehard who tries to put up a confederate flag and is denied? Also, complaints don't mean shit, lawsuits on the other hand...

Yes, those kinds of diehards. There aren't too many of them.

I'd wager that MOST people who would like to fly the Confederate flag aren't diehards...... they're just posers........Lots of college-age kids who just think it's cool, probably because it's a fashion statement to them.....But they wouldn't bother filing a lawsuit, or even alerting the press.

goof2 12-09-2009 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 303762)
Yes, those kinds of diehards. There aren't too many of them.

I'd wager that MOST people who would like to fly the Confederate flag aren't diehards...... they're just posers........Lots of college-age kids who just think it's cool, probably because it's a fashion statement to them.....But they wouldn't bother filing a lawsuit, or even alerting the press.

Whoever they are, it doesn't matter. They can go slap a flagpole in their yard, tell the HOA to fuck off when they tell them to remove it, and have the ACLU handle the inevitable lawsuit.

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