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Homeslice 05-17-2011 12:37 PM

People make such a big deal out of "lasting physical injury", like as if that's the definition of torture.

I could whip out a knife and give myself a permanent scar, and it wouldn't be all that painful. I'd much rather do that than be waterboarded, or hung from the ceiling in the cold for 18 hours.

askmrjesus 05-17-2011 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 470378)
No, I wouldn't be cool with you waterboarding my mom. I also wouldn't be cool with you shooting my mom in the face, but if you caught one of these guys during the raid on Bin Laden's compound... no biggie.

Again, you guys are making terrible comparisons... It's not like they waterboarded hundreds of random people... They did it to guys who were trained specifically to resist that sort of thing, are fucked in the head to begin with, etc...

So why not just quit pussy footing around and say it; Torture is ok by you, as long as it's only done to assholes we don't like.


Papa_Complex 05-17-2011 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 470378)
And the form that's used for interrogation does leave lasting physical injury?

For the psychological standpoint, that's pretty subjective... 1) the guys they waterboarded were trained to resist such things, mitigating the psychological impacts long term 2) they were pretty fucked in the head to begin with... like comparing walking a normal, well adjusted person onto a gruesome battlefield... they'd obviously have long term psychological damage, but put Charles Manson out there and watch him finger paint with entrails. Poor comparison to begin with.

OK, so now we know that you're OK with treating a "fucked in the head" human being, in a way you would never consider treating a dog. Being 'trained' to resist torture doesn't make something not torture. When you're trying to obtain a psychological response, in this case capitulation and the release of information, not physically messing up your captive is a plus. That's a feature, not a bug.

It also doesn't happen to, you know, work.

OneSickPsycho 05-17-2011 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 470381)
So why not just quit pussy footing around and say it; Torture is ok by you, as long as it's only done to assholes we don't like.


Missing the point... It's not about people I don't like... It's about adjusting the technique to account for the particular person's makeup...


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 470387)
OK, so now we know that you're OK with treating a "fucked in the head" human being, in a way you would never consider treating a dog. Being 'trained' to resist torture doesn't make something not torture. When you're trying to obtain a psychological response, in this case capitulation and the release of information, not physically messing up your captive is a plus. That's a feature, not a bug.

It also doesn't happen to, you know, work.

See, I think it does make something torture or not... Playing heavy metal at high volumes and sleep depravation is considered torture by some... Others, it's a good weekend. There's a lot of grey area here, but again IMHO, waterboarding is not torture.

Papa_Complex 05-17-2011 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 470390)
Missing the point... It's not about people I don't like... It's about adjusting the technique to account for the particular person's makeup...

See, I think it does make something torture or not... Playing heavy metal at high volumes and sleep depravation is considered torture by some... Others, it's a good weekend. There's a lot of grey area here, but again IMHO, waterboarding is not torture.

Then, as AMJ stated, you need to look at how many people have been charged with war crimes for doing precisely that. You're wrong.

askmrjesus 05-17-2011 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 470390)
Missing the point... It's not about people I don't like... It's about adjusting the technique to account for the particular person's makeup...

That makes no sense at all. If someone is trained to resist waterboarding, why do it to them? Seems like a waste of time to me.


tommymac 05-17-2011 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 470381)
So why not just quit pussy footing around and say it; Torture is ok by you, as long as it's only done to assholes we don't like.


That can work :lol:

Razor 05-18-2011 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 470192)
Pretty much ownage right there. Not surprising for the Attorney General to make up facts to protect his crap lawyers who came up with the enhanced interrogation standards. The whole DOJ was a complete joke during the Bush Admin (and probably still is)

Not that I believe anything that comes out of Washington, but do you actually think that the head of the CIA wouldn't lie to to further his/the president's/big oil/whomever-he-needed-at-the-time's aggenda? The CIA has so many un-truths floating at one time that they probably dont even know what the truth is. Not saying the AG isn't lying to protect someone, just saying that I dont think he was owned because you heard it from the Director of the CIA... just saying...

pauldun170 05-18-2011 03:16 PM


WASHINGTON D.C. ( — Republicans today accused President Obama of needlessly politicizing Osama bin Laden’s death by intentionally being the President at the time of Osama bin Laden’s death.

Arguing that party affiliation doesn't matter, Fox News’ put bin Laden’s death during the Bush presidency.

“The President is using the war on terror as a political tool,” said Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, (R-KY). “He knows full well the American people will give him credit for killing bin Laden, and yet, despite the obvious political gain, he did it anyway.”

McConnell went on to insist the President was well aware that he was the President and even admitted as much during a late Sunday meeting during which Obama advised Republican leaders of the imminent mission.

“The President told us we were going to kill bin Laden and a hush fell over the room,” McConnell recalled. “We all just looked at each other in disbelief. Then I remember, very pointedly, saying, “But… but if we do it now, you’re the President,” to which the President responded, “I know.”

In the “spirit of bipartisanship,” Republicans then asked Obama if they too could authorize the killing, but were refused.

Obama himself has taken no personal credit for the attack, which Fox News said justifies its network’s coverage of the mission; specifically, that bin Laden died on May 1, 2007 — during the Bush presidency.

Meanwhile, Fox anchor Brit Hume called it a “very strange coincidence” that the President ordered bin Laden to be killed only a few days after the President released his official birth certificate. “The President announces to the world, ‘Hey I’m definitely the President’ just before he authorizes this?” said Hume. “Sounds to me like he wanted us to know he was President. Why else would he do it?”

Democrats defended the President, emphasizing that he achieved what President George Bush, in eight years, was unable to do. But Sen. Richard Shelby, (R-AL), said the previous administration’s failures were what led to the al Qaeda leader’s death.

“It’s like when you’re trying to unscrew the top off the new jelly jar,” Shelby explained. “We worked and worked on that thing for eight years, so when we passed it to Obama, it was probably already loose.”

At a midday press conference Monday, House Speaker John Boehner, (R-OH), summed up the GOP position.

“The truth is, party affiliation does not matter,” said Boehner. “I mean, let’s say a Republican were in charge. In that case, we’d be saying the Republicans killed Osama bin Laden. Let me just repeat that: the Republicans killed Osama bin Laden.”

pauldun170 05-18-2011 03:28 PM

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