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VatorMan 06-08-2011 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 474861)
Grind it all up together.

GM-Your dog will take to it-as soon as he finds that he likes raw meat. Now, if you recall my first post on this, I had one dog that wants NOTHING to do with duck. I really hope yours isn't chicken because chicken is the base behind raw diet being economical. He'll come around.

Maybe you need to get a live chicken and let him kill it. :rockwoot:

OneSickPsycho 06-08-2011 08:33 PM

Fresh kills aren't room temperature... They are warm.

VatorMan 06-08-2011 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 474901)
Fresh kills aren't room temperature... They are warm.

Dog has to get the scent of the kill. Later he'll appreciate refrigeration.

Gas Man 06-08-2011 08:55 PM

Well he hasn't ate the raw chicken. There are still 2 raw pieces in his bowl. He's chewed on it a bit, but still spitting it out.

VatorMan 06-08-2011 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Gas Man (Post 474907)
Well he hasn't ate the raw chicken. There are still 2 raw pieces in his bowl. He's chewed on it a bit, but still spitting it out.

Use the afore mentioned suggestions. Don't feed him chicken with bones- mix ground up raw chicken breast in with his kibble. Decrease amount of kibble and increase size of chicken pieces. He has to get used to the taste of raw chicken on his terms apparently.

Gas Man 06-09-2011 06:26 PM

But we don't want to re-introduce kibble. That will mess with his digestion process. We pan seared the chicken, de-boned it and he ate it up.

What I'm wondering is, we aren't even cooking the chicken meat. So what about the bone. It's not cooked so it should be good. Just sear the skin and serve, Correct?

Gas Man 06-09-2011 07:44 PM

Ok well I did what I said... plus major hands on. First we just gave it to him and he pulled it from the bowl and thought about tearing into it... but it was like he was unsure about using his paws to hold it down.

So we went outside and I went hands on feeding him. He really enjoyed it. Daddy feeding him. I would cut a piece of meat most of the way and have him tear it off with his front teeth. Then he took off with a piece of bone with some meat on it. He went to the grass and tried to eat it, but wasn't sure about it. Sometime little pieces of the bone, like a knuckle would be hanging with meat on it. He would tear that off and eat everything, bone and all.

He's got some ADD cause he'd see somebody walking by, and would go to bark. I would make him come back to me and he got fed more. It was really great. He was really enjoying the raw meat now.

From 2 large chicken quarters, this was all that was left.

So he ate most of it and that was probably a bit over 2#. So I'm saying he got 2# of raw chicken diet. It seemed like he got wasn't as hungry after that, so we figure it was good. Leaving him slightly hungry will help with tomorrow.

Thanks guys for all your help. I think we are finally rolling in the right direction.

Kaneman 06-10-2011 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Gas Man (Post 475060)
But we don't want to re-introduce kibble. That will mess with his digestion process. We pan seared the chicken, de-boned it and he ate it up.

What I'm wondering is, we aren't even cooking the chicken meat. So what about the bone. It's not cooked so it should be good. Just sear the skin and serve, Correct?

Correct, as long as the bone isn't cooked you're good to go. And you're also right about re-introducing kibble...not a good idea at this point.


Originally Posted by Gas Man (Post 475075)
Ok well I did what I said... plus major hands on. First we just gave it to him and he pulled it from the bowl and thought about tearing into it... but it was like he was unsure about using his paws to hold it down.

So we went outside and I went hands on feeding him. He really enjoyed it. Daddy feeding him. I would cut a piece of meat most of the way and have him tear it off with his front teeth. Then he took off with a piece of bone with some meat on it. He went to the grass and tried to eat it, but wasn't sure about it. Sometime little pieces of the bone, like a knuckle would be hanging with meat on it. He would tear that off and eat everything, bone and all.

He's got some ADD cause he'd see somebody walking by, and would go to bark. I would make him come back to me and he got fed more. It was really great. He was really enjoying the raw meat now.

From 2 large chicken quarters, this was all that was left.

So he ate most of it and that was probably a bit over 2#. So I'm saying he got 2# of raw chicken diet. It seemed like he got wasn't as hungry after that, so we figure it was good. Leaving him slightly hungry will help with tomorrow.

Thanks guys for all your help. I think we are finally rolling in the right direction.

HELL YEA MAN!! Feeding by hand is going to give you an even better bond too.

asdgirl 06-10-2011 04:11 PM

Yep I had to feed Andre by hand at first. Sometimes still do, with the bigger stuff.

I will also mention garlic salt - that helped get them really interested. I just sprinkle some on top of the chicken itself and they went to town.

Good luck, just make sure he gets enough bone and organ meat for the vitamins, and minerals, etc that his body needs :)

Gas Man 06-10-2011 11:00 PM

Garlic salt... cool, will give that a try.

Went through tonight the same way as last night. What I have found is that he doesn't like it cold. We put a piece of meat with bone in the pan, just enough to heat it. I'm talking 40secs. He eats it up!

However, if the pieces are too big he will chew & chew & chew. But being it's not getting smaller aka small enough to swallow. he drops it on the floor and gives up. Daddy cuts into smaller pieces and he chews it down. He will eat bone as long as it's covered in meat. Otherwise, not overly interested in the bone.

He ate the 2 leg quarters... and we thought, go for the 3rd. His body weight should take 3 full quarters.

This is all that was left...

However, 45mins later he puked up a bunch of it. I think the 3rd quarter was just too much. So we are going back to 2 quarters for at least a week. Then maybe just add in a leg or thigh. He needs more food, but I think we will have to ween him back up.

Thoughts, comments, suggestions?

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