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Quick281 01-17-2009 03:31 AM

I don't think speed is anything you will need to worry about. Everyone around here seems cool enough to hang back a bit. But the routes are easy enough that regrouping at stops will be fine. :dthumb:

Mr Lefty 01-17-2009 03:40 AM

yeah... DO NOT WORRY about being slow... 1. we don't want anyone hurt try'n to ride above themselves. and 2. no one CARES! the only person who matters when it comes to how you ride... is YOU.

I'm a slow rider... I still consider myself a noob. after all haven't got that much seat time.

in all honesty... if we were to set out on a trip and you all left me... I'd have no problems what so ever... I enjoy riding even at my slow pace... I could care less what you guys do. we'll all meet up for dinner and shoot the shit at the end of the day anyhow!

rogue 01-17-2009 03:53 AM

I'm kinda of used to being the last one to be waited for and that's cool. I get a little nervous riding roads I haven't been on before, especially if they're nice and twisty with blind curves. We don't have alot of decent roads here to ride to really get what alot of people consider a good ride. Most of the time I find myself trying to tiptoe the bike through pot holes, rough ripples in the road, etc. :lol: If it wasn't for the roads being pavement bad, we'd actually have some decent places to ride.

Honestly I usually do fine except in tight blind curves, then I slow down. I went down in a tight blind curve due to the bad pavement so I guess I still have a hang up about it. :idk:

And I also like being last in the group as it means I can ride at my own speed and the rider ahead of me typically has good lines and I follow them and study them. It helps me learn. Since I don't ride in groups that often, I don't get that pleasure. Most people who ride here ride like asses and really don't know how to ride in a group. It's more like every man for himself, without care or caution to others.

I used to have a small group I rode with, about 6 of us, but over the years, bikes have broken, been sold, etc, so I only have one person I get to ride with now and that's seldom.

For the most part, my comment about being really slow was mainly a joke, although I do feel I am somewhat slow. But I'm ok with it. Just as long as people wait for me at turn points, etc, I'm a happy rider. :) You do your thing; I'll do mine. ;)

Edit to add: And like Ebbs said, at the end of the day, we'll all be together, bullshitting, drinking, and having more fun! :D

And I don't mind if anyone has suggestions to help me be a better rider. I really like it when someone takes time to help me become a better rider. :)

We'll see. Some have said I'm slow, some say I'm fine. Most say I don't "ride like a girl". :lol:

Mr Lefty 01-17-2009 04:19 AM

:lol: yeah no need to worry about it. you'll be fine. if we do a group ride... we'll make sure everyone knows the route...

I just hope no one gets offended if I take off and ride if everyone wants to chill and eat and drink... as long as it's not dark... I'll be riding. I've ridden in twisty's in the dark.. NOT FUN...

rogue 01-17-2009 04:35 AM

That's something I'm apt to do as well. I'll ride until it's dark or until I'm exhausted, whichever happens first.

Amber Lamps 01-17-2009 04:35 AM

Don't worry about it Rogue,I'll hang back with you and we'll go on a little "private ride" of our own......

Mr Lefty 01-17-2009 04:38 AM

isn't that banjo country? :lol:

Amber Lamps 01-17-2009 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by ebbs15 (Post 147623)
isn't that banjo country? :lol:

True...if they caught me with her,it would quickly revert back into negro hanging from a tree country....:panic:

rogue 01-17-2009 05:23 AM

Let's not talk about hanging, mkay? I'm about 20 miles north of Jena and I'm still pissed off about the damn nooses and everything the happened down there. Stupid fucking mess of bullshit is all it was. :rolleyes:

tommymac 01-17-2009 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by ebbs15 (Post 147610)
yeah... DO NOT WORRY about being slow... 1. we don't want anyone hurt try'n to ride above themselves. and 2. no one CARES! the only person who matters when it comes to how you ride... is YOU.

I'm a slow rider... I still consider myself a noob. after all haven't got that much seat time.

in all honesty... if we were to set out on a trip and you all left me... I'd have no problems what so ever... I enjoy riding even at my slow pace... I could care less what you guys do. we'll all meet up for dinner and shoot the shit at the end of the day anyhow!

What if we blow ya off for dinner too, then will ya get the hint :lol:


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