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Kaneman 06-25-2011 10:04 AM

I actually don't feed the glop so I'd be the wrong person to ask on that one...

Gas Man 06-25-2011 11:09 AM

I think Vator was the big glopper. But I thought a few others did as well.

Kaneman, what else other than meat do you feed your hounds?

Kaneman 06-25-2011 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Gas Man (Post 478307)
I think Vator was the big glopper. But I thought a few others did as well.

Kaneman, what else other than meat do you feed your hounds?

White/Brown rice, Cottage cheese, olive oil, organ meat (heart, liver, etc.), any onion-free leftovers, some fish here and there, bananans and peanut butter. They love the cottage cheese.

Gas Man 06-25-2011 06:56 PM

Rice... right. That's a good cheap idea.

Kaneman 06-25-2011 07:52 PM

The glop they're making is probably the healthiest way too go to be honest. I think I'm going to try what Vator did on down the line here and see what happens.

OneSickPsycho 06-28-2011 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by VatorMan (Post 469420)
The best part of the whole raw diet is the lack of dog landmines everywhere. :rockwoot:

I'll have to see what the wife paid for food today. I know they won't be eating rabbit unless they catch one. Friggen $18 a bunny !!!

So far their typical diet is for a 20 LB dog-5 ounces of meat tissue, 2 ounces organs, 8 ounces of vegetable glop X twice daily. Just multiply by 8 for a 160 LB dog. :lol

They get a raw egg three times a week. Shell and all.

You feed your 20lb dog, 4.68lbs of food per day????

I'm going to check out a butcher nearby this week... can I get your guys' recipes without sifting through 30 pages of posts?

VatorMan 06-29-2011 08:01 PM

Sorry I was absent- was at VIR wasting gas and rubber.

My wife just corrected my post. 2 OZ of Glop, 2 OZ of organs, and 4 OZ of meat per meal X 2. Thanks for correcting me OSP.

azoomm 06-30-2011 05:20 PM

1 Egg - broken but shell and all into bowl
2 Chicken livers
1 Banana
2 large spoonfuls plain yogurt
1 spoonful peanut butter
1 tsp butter

1 Chicken thigh

We have played with her diet - up and down. She used to get less breakfast and more chicken for "dinner." But, watching her weight and activity level - this right now is suiting her best.

She is a 65lb Black Lab. She turned 14 in May.

The main trick for this diet is to know your pet. Pay attention to your pet and watch their gain/loss of weight. Knowing their activity level and personality is key as well. What I LOVE about Sadie now is how close we are. She now doesn't behave like a typical pet - she is another child of mine.

Gas Man 07-01-2011 02:55 AM

We've had a ruff go here this week. Last weekend he got the last rawhide bone we had on hand. He tore it up faster than we've ever seen him. He was lovin it.

But now this week he's less "into" the chicken. Further, his poop, suffered from that rawhide. So he may not get any more of those.

I got him to eat some more. He hasn't eaten for nuttin all week. I had some left over bbq'ed chicken (3 qrts) that I shredded the meat off and fed to him with one raw. He ate that along with a scoop or two of glop.

Told the wife, not to pull anymore glop from the freezer till he eats his normal amount of chicken.

Kaneman 07-01-2011 10:25 AM

Contrary to the unfortunately very popular belief, those yummy little rawhide bone treats we give our dogs to provide distraction for our pets are actually quite bad for them.Pick up a rawhide treat now-they come in all shapes and sizes. Some come in the rectangular flat disks, while others are cleverly twisted into replicas of real bones. They all have one thing in common though-the ability to make a dog very, very ill.

Dogs eat the way fish do-until all the food is gone. Their instincts tell them that when the food is there it must be gorged upon as they never know when their next meal will be. Also, in the wild, dogs come in packs. First come, first serve, so stuff yourself and you will survive. While this is not the case for most domesticated dogs, the instinct to eat everything super-fast is still there.

Which is exactly why those rawhide treats are so dangerous.

Think about it-those treats are designed to be gnawed upon for at least an hour's time, leaving a mutt gaily chewing on his little rawhide delicacy until he bores of it and wanders away. The reality is most dogs will have those little bones half-consumed within just a few minutes, with the entirety gone in less than half an hour.

While that may sound like a simple piggish act on your dog's part, a serious complication may be in the making. Those pieces of rawhide, when swallowed in massive sizes, as they most often are, do not digest in the dog's body. This means the dog has to either pass a very large blockage or retain a very large blockage, both of which are extremely painful for the poor creature, with the latter being potentially fatal.

The best treat you can give your dog is your attention, time, and activity. If you MUST give your dog something to chew on, stick with real bones, such as raw knuckle bones, or pig and beef feet. As these are naturally hard and cannot be easily swallowed, provided the actual bone is larger than your dog's mouth, the fear of ingestion is less of a worry.

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