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Tsunami 07-14-2011 12:03 AM

I want to get my stray kitty off kibbles too or at least incorporate some fresh stuff into her diet so I would be interested in cat updates as well. I know nothing about cats.

OneSickPsycho 07-14-2011 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Tsunami (Post 481331)
I want to get my stray kitty off kibbles too or at least incorporate some fresh stuff into her diet so I would be interested in cat updates as well. I know nothing about cats.

Cats are easy... They are just like dogs, only for the most part they could give a fuck about you... and they don't need to be potty trained... and they aren't NEARLY as much of a pain in the ass...

Kaneman 07-14-2011 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHeather (Post 481250)
OSP, give us updates with your cats too. I am thinking about trying it again with mine. It was a friggin nightmare the last time we tried. Should be fun. :lol:

Yea, cats make pretty good raw food for dogs. Sometimes you have to skin them, or at least get it started so your dog doesn't get a hairball.

VatorMan 07-14-2011 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 481352)
Yea, cats make pretty good raw food for dogs. Sometimes you have to skin them, or at least get it started so your dog doesn't get a hairball.

This was mildly humorous.

HurricaneHeather 07-14-2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 481343)
Cats are easy... They are just like dogs, only for the most part they could give a fuck about you... and they don't need to be potty trained... and they aren't NEARLY as much of a pain in the ass...

My cats wanted nothing to do with the raw food. So they didn't eat. Cats who haven't eaten are 4 billion times more annoying than a dog who haven't eaten. :lol:

But, yeah normally cats aren't nearly as much work.

OneSickPsycho 07-14-2011 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHeather (Post 481420)
My cats wanted nothing to do with the raw food. So they didn't eat. Cats who haven't eaten are 4 billion times more annoying than a dog who haven't eaten. :lol:

But, yeah normally cats aren't nearly as much work.

Very true... Our cats take turns meowing at the door, in the bed, in your face in the mornings until someone gets up and feeds them.

Mr. Bear will undoubtedly be down with raw... he's been caught licking thawing chicken on a number of occassions... and he's stolen raw'ish food from the stove. Piper on the other hand... it could go either way.

OneSickPsycho 07-15-2011 08:14 AM

Last night after work, I went on the hunt for cheap chickens... The butcher down the road closes before I get off work and the dogs were pretty much out of food so I hit the supermarkets... Publix ended up being the cheapest... picked up 8 chickens @ $1.19/lb and two packages of chicken hearts @ $1.39/lb...

Went home, cut a chicken into 1/4, split it and the organs inside by hand into each one of the dog's dishes... Belle went to town immediately... licking licking licking... then finally grabbed a wing and started chowing down. She got it and was HOOKED within 30 seconds to a minute. Taco on the other hand wasn't so sure... he licked and when I fed him a heart, he was all about it, but the meat on the bone... not so much. He'd lick, watch Belle, look at us, lick, repeat. We started pulling some of the meat off the bone and feeding it to him by hand. He would eat small chunks, but anyting that required a lot of chewing, he wasn't into. By the end of it he was chomping down bones and all, but still in small peices.

About a half hour later Taco walked up to ONSSP salivating like a motherfucker... no drool, just pretty much water. We figured he was about to vomit, but he didn't. Another half hour or so later, he "exorcist vomitted" on the floor... I was droppin a hog so I didn't see it, but that's how ONSSP described it... All it was was water and a big chunk of chicken skin. Both dogs wanted to eat it immediately and aside from a bit more salivating later, he was fine.

This morning I took another 1/4 of the chicken out of the fridge and they were all about it again. Belle had no issues again, went right at it... Taco required more feeding by hand, but would eat considerably larger pieces... Both had no issues with the bones and again, were ALL ABOUT the hearts. When I took the dogs for a walk, Belle pooped about 1/4 the normal size and Taco shot straight liquid. His has been soft lately anyway, so I'm guessing he's working through something and the meat probably didn't help. We'll be keeping a close eye on that one.

All in all, it's been damn easy... not as easy as kibble... hacking chickens, cleaning the floor/bowls after each meal, etc... but no issues with them taking to it.

As for the cats... After feeding the dogs I had a bunch of chicken slime on my hands including very small bits of meat... I put my hand in their faces and both licked and ate some of the little pieces. We still have a bunch of cat food left so we aren't going to make the switch just yet, but I predict a pretty easy transition for them as well.

Adeptus_Minor 07-15-2011 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 481505)
Both had no issues with the bones and again, were ALL ABOUT the hearts. When I took the dogs for a walk, Belle pooped about 1/4 the normal size and Taco shot straight liquid. His has been soft lately anyway, so I'm guessing he's working through something and the meat probably didn't help. We'll be keeping a close eye on that one.

I don't know what it was about the organ meats, but they always gave Lilly the shits.
Too rich? Not enough density? Something...

HokieDNA01 07-19-2011 10:20 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Hey everyone. Haven't been on here in months. Came back on last night and got sucked into this thread. I adopted a Boston Terrier named Mack a few months ago and he is awesome. He has a TERRIBLE digestive tract though and often as diarrehea and horrible gas. He also has skin allergies/dry skin the dont seem to bother him much but I think they look really bad. I have him on a "premium" kibble atm (Nature's Balance Duck/Potato) but would like to try him on the raw diet starting next week.

Here is the guidelines I plan to follow. I won't be doing pork as suggested

Few questions:

I have seen 2 ways of thinking on this, BARF which has some grains, veggies, egg etc and RMB diet which is all meat. I think I want to provide him some veggies and may try the "glop". Why do you put vinigar and mollassess in?

I am also seeing that you should fast your dog for a day before starting and also fast your dog once a week as they are not regular eaters in the wild. Does anyone else do this?

I think i will see a MAJOR cost savings over the food I am buying ($31/17lb) and hope he will really start to look and feel better. I have a spare freezer so that shouldnt be an issue either. I just hope I can find a local butcher.

Thanks for all the advice. I can't wait to get him started.

VatorMan 07-19-2011 10:26 AM

Vinegar because, well vinegar is good for you. Molasses for taste. We accidentally forgot molasses in one session and the dogs gave us a *sniff,sniff* WTF is this ? look. :lol

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