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OneSickPsycho 07-19-2011 11:25 AM

Ok, so it's been a few days now... what an experience so far...

Both are eating like champions now... no more hand feeding, they just go at it. Belle has been pooping 1 time per day, about half the size of her normal poop, slimy, but solid... Taco on the other hand...

Saturday Taco continued to shit liquid... Then later on in the day, there was a little blood... about a half hour later, he shit straight blood. I had been reading and the big thing was if the blood was red (it was) - could be irritation (dog IBS), a bone fragment, or allergy. Not something to be immediately freaked out about. Given the amount of blood, I figured bone fragment... so I investigated and found a sharp little bone up in him... He still doesn't look at me the same, but the next poop was pretty much blood free and every one since has been without blood.

Sunday I got pretty excited because, while still shooting some liquid, Taco had a good amount of solid poo as well... I figured he's adjusting and it's getting better. Then ONSSP took him out yesterday morning and he shot straight liquid again... same thing for me last night.

I am REALLY hoping it's not an allergy thing... I cut out organ meat to see and am going to up the bone content a bit to see if I can balance it out. We'll give him a few more days and hopefully this shit will solidify.

Otherwise, both dogs are very happy and totally normal. Can't tell yet about weight loss/gain or anything, so I'm sticking with the portion sizes as-is for now.


Hokie - I don't plan on doing the glop thing... don't see it as necessary... I doubt that if all the humans died tomorrow our dogs would be eating from the garden and shit... pretty sure they'd be killing buffalos and cool shit like that.

Also, as far as fasting is concerned... not gonna happen with my dogs. Taco must eat twice a day at relatively consistent intervals or else he has a tendency to vomit. Probably has something to do with him tearing up his ropes and those strings upsetting his stomach...

Don't worry too much about finding a butcher... you'll get serious cost savings anyway... I bought chickens for $1.19/lb and Publix... Found them for $0.99/lb at Walmart and found them for $0.89/lb at BJ's. You can also find chicken scraps for cheaper than that... I think I saw necks and backs for $0.69/lb at Publix.

Gas Man 07-19-2011 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by VatorMan (Post 482003)
Vinegar because, well vinegar is good for you. Molasses for taste. We accidentally forgot molasses in one session and the dogs gave us a *sniff,sniff* WTF is this ? look. :lol

Good point. I know brinks hates honey... I don't think maolasses will yield any difference.

On that PDF from hookie. It says garlic is toxic. That's a first I've heard of it.

OneSickPsycho 07-19-2011 04:23 PM

I don't think the dogs are getting enough bone... gonna cut some of the meat out and add more bone... We'll see if that stiffens up Taco's hershey squirts.

Particle Man 07-19-2011 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 482046)
I don't think the dogs are getting enough bone... gonna cut some of the meat out and add more bone... We'll see if that stiffens up Taco's hershey squirts.

Bet that stinks when you run Max A/C....

anthonyk 07-19-2011 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 482015)
Given the amount of blood, I figured bone fragment... so I investigated and found a sharp little bone up in him... He still doesn't look at me the same, but the next poop was pretty much blood free and every one since has been without blood.



OneSickPsycho 07-19-2011 07:30 PM

Yeah ONSSP hates it... HATES it when I refer to "when I fingered Taco"... :lmao:

Particle Man 07-19-2011 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 482058)
Yeah ONSSP hates it... HATES it when I refer to "when I fingered Taco"... :lmao:

:lmao: :lmao: can't imagine why

Gas Man 07-19-2011 10:07 PM

I'm tellin ya OSP... you can get leg quarters for cheaper and I'm sure it's easier.

OneSickPsycho 07-20-2011 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Gas Man (Post 482076)
I'm tellin ya OSP... you can get leg quarters for cheaper and I'm sure it's easier.

It's not bad as is... takes about 5 minutes to dissect a chicken... I will probably not buy any more whole chickens once we are through our current supply, but rather just start buying backs and other parts. Gotta see if upping the bone content helps with Taco's squirts.

Last night I hacked a new chicken... Cut the breast meat out, the leg quarters and wings off, then fed the remaining carcass to Taco. Belle got a couple wings and some random trimmings. We ate the breasts for dinner and the leg quarters made up their meal this morning. Worked out pretty well.

HurricaneHeather 07-20-2011 10:32 PM

We mixed in a little bit of raw Tilapia with our cat's wet food tonight. Even the picky cat ate the fish out and left the cat food. Gonna try to slowly work them toward eating more raw and cheaper raw stuff. :lol: Figured we'd start with a sure bet. The fish was on sale, so it was worth a shot.


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