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OneSickPsycho 08-17-2011 09:00 AM

So now for two days in a row, fed Taco a whole chicken back and several hours later he vomits. I think it's too much bone at one time.

All in all, it's going well. Cats ran out of food last night and are now on it...

Split a chicken wing between the two of them. Both were tenative - had to hand feed them small chunks. Both seemed to think it was too good to be true... like, 'will I get in trouble if I eat this?' Finally they both went at it pretty good... Mr Bear was crunching bones, but Piper was eating around them. We locked them in our bathroom for several hours - tile floors just in case they puked... no puke, all is well.

This morning I tried to split a chicken neck between the two... they weren't that into it... I think it was too boney. They ate a little and stopped. I went back to another chicken wing and ripped it up for them. Same as last night... Piper did eat a bit of bone this morning and Mr Bear was all over it again.

The only thing that sucks is that it's hard to separate the dogs from the cats. I used to feed the dogs outside while the cats were eating inside. The cats eat super slow now, so the dogs are outside barking at joggers and shit while I'm inside trying to feed the cats. Annoying, but we'll figure it out.

HurricaneHeather 08-17-2011 01:32 PM

My cats eat super slow too. I actually switched to feeding them twice a day. They weren't finishing their food at night but they were both gettting way too skinny. So to save us from wasting food and them not getting enough, I am giving them 60% at night and 40% in the morning. It seemed to work great, but I will see tonight when I get home how much they eat of their dinner. Hopefully they finish it off.

OSP, you need to remember that cats can't be fasted like dogs can. They have to eat every 24 hours. Their livers can't handle not being fed the way a dog or human can. :)

OneSickPsycho 08-17-2011 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHeather (Post 486021)
My cats eat super slow too. I actually switched to feeding them twice a day. They weren't finishing their food at night but they were both gettting way too skinny. So to save us from wasting food and them not getting enough, I am giving them 60% at night and 40% in the morning. It seemed to work great, but I will see tonight when I get home how much they eat of their dinner. Hopefully they finish it off.

OSP, you need to remember that cats can't be fasted like dogs can. They have to eat every 24 hours. Their livers can't handle not being fed the way a dog or human can. :)

All of our animals will be fed 2x per day... the dogs because Taco gets a sour stomach and tends to vomit if he doesn't eat every 10-12 hours and the cats because they are FUCKING annoying as hell when hungry.

HurricaneHeather 08-17-2011 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 486033)
All of our animals will be fed 2x per day... the dogs because Taco gets a sour stomach and tends to vomit if he doesn't eat every 10-12 hours and the cats because they are FUCKING annoying as hell when hungry.

Right on. I didn't know that when I first started doing this. thought they were just like dogs.

VatorMan 08-17-2011 06:07 PM

Just a note-Lost my oldest Schnauzer Saturday. She had a Grand Mal Seizure.

RIP Nikki.

Nothing really to do with Raw Diet, but I do believe she got another 6 months because of it.

azoomm 08-17-2011 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by VatorMan (Post 486092)
Just a note-Lost my oldest Schnauzer Saturday. She had a Grand Mal Seizure.

RIP Nikki.

Nothing really to do with Raw Diet, but I do believe she got another 6 months because of it.

Awwwwwwwww :( RIP Nikki...

Gas Man 08-17-2011 07:30 PM

Sounds ruff OSP.

Sorry to hear Vator.

Gas Man 08-24-2011 06:37 PM

We are still having a ruff go with this. Brinks has always been a picky eater. He never seems to like the same diet for much longer than a few months.

We are at that point with this I believe. The only difference with kibble is that you can just leave it out. The chicken, now is a different story.

We have continued to seer it in a pan.
About a month ago he quit liking garlic. salt and loved it plain.

Now he's back to barely eating. It's very very frustrating!! Why can't he just eat like a normal dog?!?!

OneSickPsycho 08-24-2011 07:37 PM

Maybe try the prey model? Whole chickens, feathers and all... Does Brinks chase shit? Are his hunting instincts in tact?

Gas Man 08-24-2011 09:19 PM

He chases other dogs and people. I don't know if his hunting instincts are in tact... you can't exactly let your 140-150lb dog hunt shit!

Plus I'm not dealing with that, thanks anyway. I need other suggestions...

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