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Kaneman 06-25-2009 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by njchopper87 (Post 231043)
My parents are the LAZIEST people I know. I've told them to read the damn site with the info on and my mom got half way and just stopped and says she doesn't have time when she's sitting there watching tv. They don't want to feed him when they don't know what's going on either. I'll never understand completely, but I think they're trying to say no by means of pissing me off.

hahaha, my parents do that to me too.

They have two boxers, 7 yr old male and 10 yr old female. They had gotten so fat and out of shape that the 7 year old could barely walk. It was sad and pathetic. I volunteered to take them in for a while and get them back into shape. When we started the male could only walk 2 blocks....2 fricking blocks before he would collapse in the street and look like he was going to die. I had to soak him in water while he took 15 minutes to recover.

Eventually through consistency he dropped 10 lbs and was doing 3 mile walks with us everyday with no problem. I also started taking them to the dog park and he was actually RUNNING up a storm, it was amazing.

Nonetheless, my rents were very unreceptive to switching them to a raw diet despite the fact that their teeth had rotted out of their heads etc, etc.
BUT, they are now walking the dogs twice a day and when I went over there last the male had lost another 5 or so lbs and was looking great!

azoomm 06-25-2009 11:12 AM

*LAZY* is killing us..... Its an epidemic.

cbrchick 06-25-2009 11:57 AM

I'm being lazy right now and waiting until my husband comes home to take the dog to the park. I just can't do the 2+ k morning hike with him without feeling like I need a nap afterwards. This pregnancy sleepy stuff is driving me nuts. There's sooo much I wanna do and can't without paying for it later.

I am so looking forwards to after the baby is born and the dog and I can get out with our nifty B.O.B stroller and get moving like we used to.

Until then I need my husbands help to tire the dog out. I can't rough house with him and I can't keep up our regular "old" pace without getting short of breath.

I really don't know how largely overweight people or those with beer guts do it. The one thing I love/hate about having a big dog is that you can't be lazy. rain, sleet, snow or shine, you have to get out and walk. This baby gut I have due to being preggers makes it hard. I can't wait to be as active as I once was...

azoomm 06-25-2009 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by cbrchick (Post 231110)
I'm being lazy right now and waiting until my husband comes home to take the dog to the park. I just can't do the 2+ k morning hike with him without feeling like I need a nap afterwards. This pregnancy sleepy stuff is driving me nuts. There's sooo much I wanna do and can't without paying for it later.

I am so looking forwards to after the baby is born and the dog and I can get out with our nifty B.O.B stroller and get moving like we used to.

Until then I need my husbands help to tire the dog out. I can't rough house with him and I can't keep up our regular "old" pace without getting short of breath.

I really don't know how largely overweight people or those with beer guts do it. The one thing I love/hate about having a big dog is that you can't be lazy. rain, sleet, snow or shine, you have to get out and walk. This baby gut I have due to being preggers makes it hard. I can't wait to be as active as I once was...

Not Lazy.

You, momma... not lazy.

Kaneman 06-25-2009 02:22 PM

Goddang man, we just got back from the dog park. It aint no joke out there folks....its hot.

jtemple 06-30-2009 11:29 AM

I have a cat and two labs. One of my labs has some serious hip displasia and it has been acting up recently. All animals eat kibble. I'm seriously considering switching my pets (the dogs, at minimum) to a raw diet.

I need info! Specifically, what to feed them for healthy joints.

HurricaneHeather 06-30-2009 11:32 AM

I've been thinking about doing research on kitty raw diets. I might do that today instead of posting as much on here. :lol:

Kaneman 06-30-2009 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by jtemple (Post 233743)
I have a cat and two labs. One of my labs has some serious hip displasia and it has been acting up recently. All animals eat kibble. I'm seriously considering switching my pets (the dogs, at minimum) to a raw diet.

I need info! Specifically, what to feed them for healthy joints.

Prescription Previcox works wonders for dogs with arthritis and dysplasia. I rehabilitated my Dad's 7 year old male Boxer, who when I got him could barely walk. Through a regular regiment of walks, better diet, weight loss and Previcox he was able to literally jump into my Dad's huge truck when they came to get him a month later.

Make sure your dog isn't at all overweight first of all, extra weight is really hard for them to carry around. Then take him to the vet and ask about Previcox...its going to run you about $70 a month to keep him on it. Once he's on the meds focus on trying to build up his hip muscles to support his ailing joints.

jtemple 06-30-2009 12:12 PM

The dogs are not overweight. The one with the bad hip is already on Previcox on an "as needed" basis, and gets a shot in his hip every 3 months.

He had an episode last night where he was refusing to do anything except sit or lay in one spot on the floor. He would not walk. I gave him some Previcox and in an hour or so, he was back to his old self.

He got a fresh shot this morning and the vet suggested we change his diet. I've been kicking around the raw diet idea, this is just the nail in the coffin.

The poor guy is only about 5 years old and he's hurting, pretty badly.

Kaneman 06-30-2009 12:19 PM

Ahh man, only 5 years old. That sucks.

I bet you've already done a ton of research on it. The raw diet IS supposed to be better for dogs with dysplasia. The vet told us when we adopted our Lab that she'd never be able to run. Now she regularly pulls my wife miles upon miles on rollerblades.

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