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EpyonXero 01-18-2013 08:25 AM

Republicans want to change electoral college rules, Only in states they lost.

Dont try to get more people to vote for you by changing your platform, just make their votes count for less.


GOP eyes new election laws
By STEVE PEOPLES | Associated Press – 3 hrs ago
BOSTON (AP) — After back-to-back presidential losses, Republicans in key states want to change the rules to make it easier for them to win.
From Wisconsin to Pennsylvania, GOP officials who control legislatures in states that supported President Barack Obama are considering changing state laws that give the winner of a state's popular vote all of its Electoral College votes, too. Instead, these officials want Electoral College votes to be divided proportionally, a move that could transform the way the country elects its president.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus endorsed the idea this week, and other Republican leaders support it, too, suggesting that the effort may be gaining momentum. There are other signs that Republican state legislators, governors and veteran political strategists are seriously considering making the shift as the GOP looks to rebound from presidential candidate Mitt Romney's Electoral College shellacking and the demographic changes that threaten the party's long-term political prospects.

"It's something that a lot of states that have been consistently blue that are fully controlled red ought to be looking at," Priebus told the Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, emphasizing that each state must decide for itself.
Democrats are outraged at the potential change.
Obama won the popular vote with 65.9 million votes, or 51.1 percent, to Romney's 60.9 million and won the Electoral College by a wide margin, 332-206 electoral votes. It's unclear whether he would have been re-elected under the new system, depending upon how many states adopted the change.

While some Republican officials warn of a political backlash, GOP lawmakers in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are already lining up behind proposals that would allocate electoral votes by congressional district or something similar.
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he "could go either way" on the change and doesn't plan to push it. But he said it's a reasonable issue to debate and that he prefers that leaders discuss it well before the next presidential election.
"It could be done in a thoughtful (way) over the next couple years and people can have a thoughtful discussion," Snyder said.
Republican leaders in the Michigan Statehouse have yet to decide whether to embrace the change there. But state Rep. Peter Lund, a Republican who introduced a bill to change the allocation system two years ago, said some Republicans might be more receptive to his bill this year following the election.

"We never really pushed it before," he said, adding that the bill wasn't designed to help one party more than the other.
Democrats aren't convinced. And they warned of political consequences for Republicans who back the shift — particularly those governors up for re-election in 2014, which include the governors of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, among others.

"This is nothing more than election-rigging," said Michigan Democratic Chairman Mark Brewer.

Each state has the authority to shape its own election law. And in at least seven states — Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida and North Carolina — Republicans control both chambers of the state legislature and the governor's office.
Already, Maine and Nebraska have moved away from a winner-take-all system to one that allocates electoral votes based on congressional district.

"This is a concept that's got a lot of possibility and a lot of potential," said Washington-based Republican strategist Phil Musser, acknowledging that the debate would "incite different levels of partisan acrimony." Musser also predicted that more pressing economic issues would likely take priority in most Republican-led statehouses.
In Pennsylvania, Senate Republican leader Dominic Pileggi this week renewed his call for the Republican-controlled Legislature to revamp the way it awards electoral votes by using a method based on the popular vote that would have given Romney eight of the state's 20 votes.
Democrats quickly criticized it as partisan scheme.
"It is difficult to find the words to describe just how evil this plan is," said Pennsylvania state Sen. Daylin Leach, a Democrat. "It is an obscene scheme to cheat by rigging the elections,"

Gov. Tom Corbett, who supported a related proposal from Pileggi last year, had not seen the new plan and could not say whether he supports the new version, the Republican governor's spokesman Kevin Harley said.
In Wisconsin, Republican Gov. Scott Walker has said that changing how electoral votes are allocated was an "interesting idea" but that it's not one of his priorities nor has he decided whether he supports such a change.

It's gotten a lukewarm reception in the Republican-controlled Legislature as well. No proposal has been introduced yet and no lawmaker has announced any plans to do so, but the state Assembly speaker, Robin Vos, first proposed the change back in 2007.
"I am open to that idea," Vos said in December as lawmakers prepared for the start of their session. "But I would have to hear all the arguments."

All 10 of the state's Electoral College votes went to Obama last fall under the current system. If they were awarded based on the new system, the votes would have been evenly split between Obama and Romney.
Democratic Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett sent an email plea urging people to sign a petition against the change: "We can't sit silently by as they try to manipulate the democratic process for political advantage," Barrett wrote. "We can't let them attack the very democratic institutions and rights that others have sacrificed so much to gain — just because they don't believe they can win in a fair election fight."

So far, Republicans have only advocated for the change in states that have supported Democrats in recent elections. The view is predictably different in states where the Republican nominee is a cinch to win.
"The Electoral College has served the country quite well," said Louisiana GOP Chairman Roger Villere, who doubles as a national party vice chairman.

He continued: "This is coming from states where it might be an advantage, but I'm worried about what it means down the road. This is a system that has worked. That doesn't mean we can't talk about changes, but we have to be very careful about any actions we might take."
Associated Press writers Peter Jackson in Pennsylvania, Scott Bauer in Wisconsin, Jeff Karoub and John Flesher in Michigan, and Bill Barrow in Atlanta contributed to this report.

Trip 01-18-2013 08:36 AM

So politicians are trying to take advantage of something to get themselves more power, shocking....

fatbuckRTO 01-18-2013 08:39 AM

The Republicans have been making me feel better about voting for President Obama every day since the election. Every time they open their mouths.

I'm registered as a Republican, but Mitt Romney represented nothing about me. They'll continue to lose until they change the election rules the way they changed/ignored their own party primary rules, or they finally figure out how conservatism should relate to government and not the bedroom. Given their behavior over the last 4 years, I'm betting they give the former a good college try before they even consider the latter...

OneSickPsycho 01-18-2013 09:28 AM

Nothing new here... Both sides redraw district lines and a bunch of other fuckery every election cycle to ensure they remain in power or have a better chance of getting elected.

Amber Lamps 01-21-2013 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 525671)
So politicians are trying to take advantage of something to get themselves more power, shocking....



Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 525673)
Nothing new here... Both sides redraw district lines and a bunch of other fuckery every election cycle to ensure they remain in power or have a better chance of getting elected.

This again!

Amber Lamps 01-21-2013 02:21 AM

Ugh what bugs the most is that if Obama had proposed this, the media would be falling all over itself claiming that it was a great idea... Yeesh. When the Dems got smashed the last time, there were all kinds of ideas and proposals to help them get back in power. Besides, why does this automatically favor the Republicans? Is it because the Dems tend to do well in the inner cities, while Republicans do better in the suburbs and out in the country? God I'm tired of politics! I unfriendly about a dozen people last year during the election because I was so tired of all the political posts.

Papa_Complex 01-21-2013 08:12 AM

Actually it isn't all that bad an idea, if you want to really represent the voters.

Now if only Americans had a conservative party that they could vote for.......

fatbuckRTO 01-21-2013 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 525736)
Now if only Americans had a conservative party that they could vote for.......

Or even just a candidate or two...

Adeptus_Minor 01-21-2013 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 525736)

Now if only Americans had a conservative party that they could vote for.......

From the mouths of Canadians... :dthumb:


Originally Posted by fatbuckRTO (Post 525739)
Or even just a candidate or two...

Yeah, would've helped.

goof2 01-21-2013 01:38 PM

Those dastardly Republicans!

It is a good thing Democrats wouldn't resort to such tactics, like wanting to get rid of the electoral college completely ever since the 2000 election because they didn't like the result it created.

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