Thread: Clean Chains
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Old 03-13-2008, 08:14 PM   #9
Amber Lamps
Moto GP Star
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Originally Posted by azoomm View Post
OK, I'm a bit fanatic about cleaning my chain. By a little... I mean, REALLY crazy about it. It's just one of my OCD things I guess. What I used to do was after each ride, I'd wipe down the chain with a rag that has been sprayed down with either kerosene or WD-40. Never spraying WD-40 directly on a chain... it will seat in the O or X rings and eat the rubber.

But, now I've found a new product. Motorex Chain Clean. It's FANTASTIC. I mean, spray on... wipe of. It is tested safe for X and O rings, and evaporates rather quickly, so I can see it doesn't stay anywhere. But, the grease wipes off easily. So easily that I cleaned the gunk in front of the front sprocket, on the motor, fling on the wheel, even the spray on my arm from using a grunge brush.

I was amazed.

To show how fanatic I am about it... here's a pic of my friend's chain that I cleaned on her SuperHawk. It was black and gooped when I got it... after are the pics below:
I've used the Motorex and the Mogul stuff both work fantastic with a grunge brush especially! Altho' I admit I got tired of running to buy it so I went back to pen oil.
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