Did you try on the helmet? As long as it's comfortable and fits your head properly, you don't need a $500 helmet like some people think. $80 helmets have won helmet tests before and they are all pretty well protective. The most important piece is trying on helmets and finding something that is very snug on your head that puts some pressure on all points. Not something that is loose on top your head and snug at the base. Each helmet is made for a different shape head, so you need to look and find what fits you best. I would look for fit, before any of the bells and whistles.
Originally Posted by ebbs15
according to the article tell him to drink ginger tea...
Originally Posted by Tigger
Whatever,Stoner is a bitch! O.J. Simpson has TWO fucked knees and a severe hang nail on his left index finger but he still managed to kill two younger adults,sprint 200 feet to his car (wearing very expensive,yet uncomfortable Italian shoes) and make his get a way!!!