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Old 09-10-2009, 08:55 AM   #5
moderator chick

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Location: Hill Country TX
Moto: Pasta Rockets
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Sorry, but I side with Shannon on this one - she was stung by a bee shortly after your paypal making her BLIND for a week. Why didn't you call her? She couldn't read email, watch tv, read a book, work on her stuff.... then gets ready to ship and BAM dispute. A dispute takes up to five days to clear, which was JUST enough time for you to dispute again. Would you ship to someone that continues to yank the money away from you?

Oh, and your email didn't reach her until she was already at the track. She is a person that doesn't carry a laptop, doesn't use a blackberry and is at the track for DAYS.... do you think she read your email until after she got home? Again, why not just call her and talk to her about it? You say no customer service, I say the customer is NOT always right.

I'm sorry you're having a hard time with it. But, the fastest way to deal with someone doing leather repair is to send a check WITH the jacket when sending it in. That way, she does the work and ships without needing to do anything more like wait or send eInvoices.

Send a check.

She'll send you your jacket. I know she will....
We have enough youth. How about a fountain of "smart"?

Come Play at the Track!!
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