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Old 02-10-2011, 04:13 PM   #6
the chi
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Originally Posted by azoomm View Post
Notice how women that crash out of a sport are usually done with their racing career whereas men can get back into it easier [Jessica Zaluski and Melissa Paris as examples]? Mind fuck is a bigger factor for women than men.
THIS!! We consider the shit out of the consequences of our actions and this can cause the mental blockages men dont get, because they dont think about it. Or overthink it if you will.

Originally Posted by smileyman View Post
When the sport isnt so focused on all out physical ability th woman's mind seems to hit a wall first and You got to love that they have the sense to question why
wether or not to kill themselves to finish one position higher.
And this!

When it comes to running around the track, neck and neck, and knowing that to make this turn you have to muscle a buddy off the track, whats a man gonna do? Fuck his buddy and shove him off.

A woman would either back off or reanalyze to see if she could shave just a lil more ahead and make the safe pass without fucking her buddy and running him off because she would see the potential for him hitting that tire wall, or dumping it into the barricade and breaking his neck or back, financial damage to the bike,the EMS and the emergency room all in a split second. No man I've ever talked to has had a single one of these thoughts while racing around the track as fast as he can while as a woman these are constantly running through my head at every moment.

Or the negotiating the turn, hitting it just right, "if i fail to hit it in the sweet spot Im gonna hit the divot, have some shake in the front end, wobble thru the turn, potentially lose the control and momentum I have, run off the track, or slide if I'm in the middle of a turn and my knee gives out while it's the only thing holding my bike off the pavement", etc. And yes, I've done that. "Fuck, took this one wrong, too far over, knee all the way down, keep this fucker from scraping, up up, throttle, power up out of the lean and back upright."

Your minds work like that? And this is all within a few seconds. Just saying.

Originally Posted by fnfalman View Post
A woman doesn't have endurance and strength to roadrace a motorcycle?

Gimme a break!!! It ain't like she has to hump a fucking machine gun with a 100-lbs rucksack on her back for 20-miles. Yeah, muscling a sport bike at high speed is tough work, but not so tough that a well physically conditioned woman can't do it.
I agree 100%. Thanks dude for seeing that a woman can do it, FTR, women can do the rucksack shit for miles btw, I'll introduce you guys to my younger sister sometimes. I'd lay my money on her whooping many of you guys asses in a strength contest or a fight.

I think this is badass, she is incredible for doing this and I hope she does well. As far as age, she's in her prime, she can get better from here and keep competeing, 31 aint old.
Originally Posted by Cutty72 View Post
The Chi hath spoken...
and let it be known that what The Chi hath spoketh, will henceforth be done.

Last edited by the chi; 02-10-2011 at 04:17 PM..
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