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Old 02-16-2012, 01:40 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Trip View Post
Unfortunately for you, the story of this God all originates from the same place, therefore educational wise, it is the same God.
It would be like another religion using Zeus. Same entity, just confused about how the story progressed. It's not even a different timeline. Same timelines, some people just kept building onto the story.

I like how you said the Christians got ripped off by the Muslims, but you go on to make excuses for the Christians ripping off the Jews. LOLz, bias ftl.
You seem to think I have a vested interest in any of those three. I don't. I do think Mohammed ripped off his story from existing religions in the same way that I think Joseph Smith, a Christian, ripped off his story from existing religions. I don't know that there is a single person to whom you can track the "rip off" of the Jews that created Christianity; in my mind the very existence of a man named Jesus of Nazareth has been called into question. At any rate, the first Christians were Jews, so they kind of ripped themselves off. There are convincing arguments made that the Jews ripped off their religion from the Babylonians, but no one in this thread was making the claim that Adad and Yahweh are the same god.

They are not the same timelines. In the Jewish timeline, their god never came to earth as a mortal. In the Christian timeline he did, then he pretty much wanked off for the next two millenia. In the Muslim timeline, their god never came to earth as a mortal, but did reveal himself and his "new" intentions for mankind to a polygamist pedophile a little over a thousand years ago. Those three entities have completely different stories after the BC/AD changeover.

If there were two stories of Zeus, where one ended with him taking the form of a human and eating the ass out of a goat, and the other he stays on Olympus and eats pretzels, I would say those stories describe two different gods. Otherwise how do you define the entity itself?

When did I make excuses for Christians and their religion?
This was no time for half measures. He was a captain, godsdammit. An officer.
Things like this didn't present a problem for an officer. Officers had a tried and
tested way of solving problems like this. It was called a sergeant.

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