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Old 03-11-2012, 09:30 PM   #11
Mr Lefty
TWFix Legend
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Denver CO
Moto: 01 BMW F650GS Dakar
Posts: 15,677

So, I'm days behind.* Just haven't been feeling like typing out my days as I know they were ending.* It's why I couldn't leave Portland, knowing from there on, I had less time ahead of me than I did behind. That the trip was ending real life had to start again.* Well... that's a half truth.* It also meant saying goodbye to my home and more importantly Family.*

It's funny, growing up I was't the greatest sibling growing up. Fighting, teasing, and just being a spoiled ass.* I guess being the oldest, I wanted to just wanted my distance but due to the fact that 5 years separated me from my baby brother, distance wasn't easy to come by.* As the years pass, I find that I want just the opposite.* I think it's in the fact that every time I see them now, so much has changed.* New jobs, homes, significant others, and interests.* Its killing me having my family grow older and not feeling like I'm a part.

Anyways… enough with the melodramatic, on to the report.

I left Fresno and planned on hitting Tucson.* Because of the extra days spent in Portland and Sacramento, I was worried about a time crunch and decided that I was just gonna slab it.* There wasn't anything in Southern California or Arizona that was a must see (Grand Canyon wasn't on the trip list this time)* The weather was awesome, about 75 the whole way… ended up stripping down to one layer top and bottom under my suit in Palm Springs (80* according to the bank sign) but the wind was a killer.* It caused me to end the day in Phoenix rather than Tucson. Here's the border shot

The next day I got up and rode into Texas.* I had toyed with doing an Iron butt (1000miles in under 24hrs… to Austin where I could stay with some friends, but just wasn't up to it… yet.* I decided on Fort Stockton but settled for Van Horn.* I again slabbed the trip as I was sure it was Saturday and I wanted to have a day to recover in Gulfport, before going back to work.* I did make one detour to Tombstone AZ, but arrived just after the last mock gun fight and didn't wanna kill 30 min waiting for the next.* I had a schedule to keep

For My Buddy Gas Man

The day was much colder than the day before, especially once I hit Texas.* The sun dropped and the speed limit rose to 80.* I had the heated vest on high for the first time since Idaho, and also for the first time I had problems with Aerostich suit.* The velcro on the chest wouldn't keep and so the wind would come in the gap above the chest zipper, freezing me.* I ended up using the RDS ( beanie to insulate where the zipper ends.* Worked like a dream. I got into Van Horn around 2000hr (8pm) and decided to crash out early, so I could start the day early.

I browsed the weather and 31 and Rain/Ice was the forcast all the way to Austin until around 12.* AWESOME... thought I left the ice and cold in the north.
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