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Old 08-06-2008, 02:34 PM   #2
too much time on my hands
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Originally Posted by Gunther1000 View Post
Wow, Do you still have the Kawi? I have heard bad things about there weak bottom end but what the hell who cares! I bet that thing sounds Great! I believe the pipes wont be a large issue with the 250. There are a number of ways to run them. Airbox, Not a problem either. Look at that Kawi and you get the idea...

Frame? POS? news to me. If bracing is needed so be it. That bridge will be crossed with the TIG welder in hand. I'm not going to pay $14,000 for a bike untill it can run with my 1000 on the E-way and twistys not one or the other.
the EX250 and 500's use steel frames that are heavy, but not very strong compared to the competition. the problem is pure and simple, the EX250 frame is simply a cheap frame. add to that its a royal bitch to work on em. I've done motor swaps in an EX250, and frankly, changing a motor is easier than changing the plugs to me. no amound of welding is gonna improve the 250 frame like a whole different frame will.

the EX500 isnt any better, until you spend lots of money on frame gusseting and some kind of better subframe to lighten it.

Take a look at the GS500's frames. this is the frame you'll want to go with for a rock solid base.

I wouldnt know about the bottom ends on them.
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