Originally Posted by Destitute
Didn't mean to tread on holy ground. Their effective tax rate is ~20% while the middle class is around 12%. I would trade a 2000% raise for a 50% tax rate increase.
If it were that easy I'm sure most people, including me, would do the same thing. Of course then it is a gift and giving part of it back to get the remainder makes sense. Usually though someone actually has to work and take risks for that money. The government does nothing and faces no risk, but the government gets to reap a disproportionate share of the "reward". This makes less sense.
Originally Posted by Destitute
To your last point, I tend to think that people who aren't paying taxes (to whichever jurisdiction) or are employed by the government shouldn't be allowed to vote (themselves more power and money). They are wards and agents of the state rather than citizens. If you choose (or have the misfortune) not to be a productive member of society, voting rights could be earned through public service (i.e., military or civilian public employment).
While there is something to be said for this it will never happen. As it stands today the majority can vote themselves whatever graft they can convince politicians to give them and it doesn't directly cost them a dime. Go light the torches, we are going after some rich fuckers.