Originally Posted by KSGregman
I watched the entire thing....I have no idea how the film was edited....or if the translation is accurate....but....as presented, he strikes me as a blow-hard. Someone desperately trying to appear important...knowledgeable...."I've met Mullah Omar"...."I've met members of Hezbollah who have conducted operations"....."I, some arabic name that I can't come close to remembering, incite you to strike out at anyone supporting peace with Israel by any means possible."
I was like, yeah? If it's something that YOU feel that strongly about, why don't YOU go "conduct an operation?" Become a soldier in the battle YOU are attempting to incite? He seems like a big pussy....attempting to incite others into going to pick a fight he's too scared to face on his own.
Thats a hell of an assessment based on the footage supplied.