03-11-2009, 12:16 PM | #1 |
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Lancaster, PA
Moto: Dirt
Posts: 578
It's a boy!
Yesterday my wife delivered a healthy 9 lb 12 oz bouncing baby boy.
Because the little guy pooped when he was in moms belly, he inhaled a little bit into his lungs after he was born. The doctors were expecting this and delt with it swiftly on the spot and he has been moved to the NICU as a precaution. Because he's still in the NICU, I've decided not to post any pictures yet. No baby likes having all kinds of things stuck in/on him so he's not a happy camper right now. When we're able to hold him and he's not "chained" to an incubator, I'll snap about a billion pictures. One or two will make it up here eventually. The Doctors and my wife were not expecting such a large baby so Mom is going to spend a little more time than normal recovering. All in all, Dean and Mom are doing great and everyone will be home shortly. We are very blessed to now have 2 children when just 3 years ago my doctor told us we would never be able to have any children of our own. I've been thinking of packing up both kids to pay him a visit. I'll post up a picture of Dean James after we get a chance to hold him. We're hoping our 18 month old daugter Gretchen won't be too hard on him when we get home. Chad
Lean till you see sparks. If they are coming from your pegs you are doing good. If they are coming from you tank, you've just gained wisdom... Wisdom usually hurts. |
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