Originally Posted by neebelung
So true. And so sad, on all counts.
Eh, I can't agree with this part....
I don't enjoy a traffic ticket anymore than anyone else, BUT, I also don't fault the Cops in the least when I get them. Fact is, the law is the law - the speed limit is the speed limit, the red light is the red light, etc...
We all know full well when we're breaking traffic laws, but because we get away with it 99.99999999999999% of the time, we continue to do it, daily.
But then the one time we get pulled over for it, it's somehow the Cop's fault, for being stupid, or a jerk, or whatever? Nuh uh.... I take full responsibility for the tickets I've earned.
I agree there are bigger fish to fry, so to speak, but the fact remains, we make the CHOICE to do that 55 in a 45, etc.... and once in a while, we might get caught.
Sorry but I don't agree with this "the law is the law" outlook. I used to think that way. But through research I've discovered policies about speeding and traffic flows. Speeding tickets are nothing more than a cash cow for the police that they must use to fund their department. They have to. The part that I get upset with is that it's under the guise of public safety. If tickets were handed out for actual unsafe procedures (following too closely, improper lane changes, etc.) I'd be much more lenient with this attitude.
Roads here are supposed to be re-evaluated every 5 years for speed and flow of traffic. Speeding at 5 over isn't going to kill anyone so don't tell me it's for public safety. It's to fund things. And if it were only about public safety there would be cops sitting right at the speed change line nailing people going 2 over when they cross that line.
Sorry....went off on a tangent there.